5 Steps to Reinvent Yourself

5 Steps to Reinvent Yourself

Is it time to reinvent yourself?

I can guarantee you that at some point in life, you will need to consider reinventing yourself personally, professionally, or romantically. And no rules or list can tell you when to start or if you need to change. But I have come up with some steps to work through when you decide to do it.

Step 1

Figure out what it is that you want to change in your life. I don’t care if you’re going to change your looks, become more spiritual, start a new business, or even reinvent yourself to get a new man or woman. Whatever it is, write a list of everything you want to change about yourself or the things you want to do.

Step 2 - Narrow the list down

Step 2

Look that list over and narrow it down. Take out anything that will automatically be achieved when you win in another category. Then pick the things you can start on and have the fastest results to work on first. Doing this will give you an immediate win to celebrate. After you are used to winning short-term goals, you will long for that distance win.

Step 3 - Action Plan

Step 3

The action plan. Figure out what your glass ceiling is. Make your “glass ceiling” achievable within 3months before creating a higher limit. Breaking achievement down gives you time to stop and look at yourself and feel a sense of pride.

Step 4

Strengths and Weaknesses. You will need to work on both so that your weaknesses aren’t weaknesses and your strengths don’t get in your way of improvements. Self-evaluation regularly will show you so much about yourself you never realized.

Step 5 - Balance the big 3
Step 4 - Strengths and Weaknesses

Step 5

Think about the BIG 3. No matter what part of yourself you want to reinvent, you need to consider how it affects your spiritual, physical, and mental health.

I don’t care what about yourself you want to change; these three things always come to play. Think about who you are as a whole and in other areas of your life because they are never the same. Consider that you have many relationships with people you need to let go of to change. Are they in line with who you want to be? Are these relationships worth keeping?

You will have to be honest with yourself. This is the part that makes reinventing yourself hard.

Your transformation will not happen overnight. And the process of re-invention will mean working through some hurts. It will take a lot of time and energy to reach your goals. And there will be times you have to work on parts of yourself multiple times. Evaluating yourself and adding or subtracting a step from time to time will help improve your results.


There is no need for rushing!


So, what’s stopping you? Take the first step, and I'm here for you if you need my help.


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Tracy Balan

Tracy Balan is a female motivational speaker, author and host determined to inspire positive change. Want to find what works for you? Let her help lead you in the right direction?

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