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Tracy’s goal is to help motivate you to your business and life goals.
Learn life lessons and strategies for greater happiness, success, motivation, creativity, productivity, love, health, and fulfillment.
So, grab a pen & paper, prepare to learn, laugh, cry, and discover Self.
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Email: AskTracyB@TracyBalan.com – Subject line: #AskTracyB
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Loving Yourself vs. Respecting Yourself
I'm Back!
So, let's get into some things.
What is the difference between Loving Yourself vs. Respecting Yourself?
Today, I'm going over just that.
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Never TOO Old | Ep. 2
Age can be a sensitive topic for people. Usually, the first thing we want to know about a person is, “How old are you?”, we often pass judgment or make assumptions about the person based on his or her age. We often think, “He or she is too old or too young to understand.” And that’s one of the biggest mistakes people make daily.
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